Choosing a nursing home for my husbands

How Over-55 Living Makes Your Money Go Further Without Compromising On Your Freedom

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First, it is important to establish that over-55 living is not a retirement village. Many of the residents who live in over-55 communities are still employed and move into these areas for a variety of reasons. If you want to make the most out of your finances without losing a bit of your freedom, as you would with a retirement village, then over-55 living is the perfect solution for you. Here are three reasons why over-55 living can help you make the most of your money. Read More»

Should Retirement Communities Be Different for Indigenous Australians?

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Not all that long ago, Turkey would have been a fantastic place to retire. Turkish taxpayers were able to retire after paying approximately 25 years worth of the mandatory contributions to their retirement fund. Depending on when a person started working, this means that retirement would have been possible in their 40s! This has since been amended, and Turkey now permits retirement at the age of 58 for women, and at the age of 60 for men. Read More»

Signs That Indicate Your Parents May Need Aged Care

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It can be very difficult to come to terms with the fact that your parents may need aged care, meaning professional assistance with living in their own home, or a move to a care facility of some sort. However, as parents get older, it’s good to understand how challenging it can be for them to live on their own, especially if they have particular medical needs. Note a few signs that are easy to overlook and which might indicate that your parents are no longer safe on their own. Read More»

Looking Past Bad Press to Find the Perfect Retirement Village

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Recently, the media has focused some negative attention on retirement villages. The good news is that according to industry surveys, 98 percent of residents indicate that they would still choose to live in a retirement village if they had to go back and make the decisions again. It’s also important to remember that not all villages are the same. If you’ve been following some of the recent media coverage, you may be wondering how to tell a great retirement village from a subpar one. Read More»